CSS selectors
- CSS changes style of HTML
- HTML tags were formerly used for changing the presentation (e.g.
) - CSS lets us say, “make the h3 tag green and have a bigger font”
- tags are styled by “selecting” them with selectors and then applying styles
- HTML tags were formerly used for changing the presentation (e.g.
- Selectors:
- type selector
- just the tag name without
bracketsp { text-decoration: underline; }
- selector syntax:
selector { property: value; }
- multiple properties can apply to a single selector
- just the tag name without
- descendent selector
- selects tag only if they are children of another tag
ul li { font-size: 24px; }
- the left-most selector is the parent
- selects tag only if they are children of another tag
- pseudo selector
- a modifier that can be added to a selector to select a tag only when a certain condition has occured
a { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; color: darkred; }
- can be used to narrow the amount of child-tags selected
ol li:first-child { color: red; }
- a modifier that can be added to a selector to select a tag only when a certain condition has occured
- type selector