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  1. Cloud-native application
  2. Container
  3. Kubernetes
  4. Orchestration
  5. Virtual machine
  6. Blue Bottle Three Africas + Blue Bottle dripper
  7. Client-side rendering
  8. Incremental static regeneration
  9. Rendering
  10. Server-side rendering
  11. Static generation
  12. 1993 4runner doc
  13. HTTP keep-alive
  14. Backlinks should be context-rich
  15. Notetaking should be low-commitment
  16. Breadth-first search
  17. Dijkstra's algorithm
  18. Graph
  19. Queue
  20. Stack
  21. Weighted graph
  22. Tutorials should be used primarily as analogs
  23. Arrays vs. linked lists
  24. Effective interfaces are low-friction
  25. Hash table
  26. Hashing algorithm
  27. Interface concepts should be atomic
  28. It should be possible to conveniently keep self-data
  29. Keep data about yourself
  30. Progressive testing trees
  31. Quicksort
  32. Big O notation
  33. Binary search
  34. Selection sort
  35. Traveling salesperson problem
  36. Writing atomic notes encourages honest epistemology
  37. Keywords are for convenience, not conceptual linking
  38. Notes should be atomic
  39. Habits that promote linking notes by title
  40. Linking notes by title promotes conceptual cohesion
  41. Note titles should express note content
  42. My brain is for capture and synthesis, not storage
  43. Some notes will be descriptive, others prescriptive
  44. Telling stories boosts output, not creativity
  45. Must-reads for terminal users
  46. Origin of Unix pipes
  47. Unix streams
  48. Unix TTY
  49. Classless inter-domain routing
  50. Writing naturally
  51. iOS development - Creating a view programmatically
  52. iOS development - UIView
  53. iOS development - View animations
  54. iOS development - View drawing cycle
  55. Objective-C basic syntax
  56. iOS development - Windows and Views
  57. SPAC
  58. Game warping in Ethereum
  59. Nash equilibrium
  60. Prisoner's dilemma
  61. Caesar cipher
  62. Computational complexity theory
  63. Cryptographic security
  64. Cryptography
  65. Famous cryptographic ciphers
  66. Solving the Graphql N+1 problem
  67. Avalanche effect
  68. Lambda calculus
  69. Y combinator
  70. Cons
  71. Convolutional neural network
  72. Percolation theory
  73. Steps to developing a usable algorithm
  74. Connected component
  75. Disjoint-set data structure
  76. Dynamic connectivity
  77. Union-find - applications
  78. Union-find algorithm
  79. Union-find approach - quick-find
  80. Union-find approach - quick-union
  81. Union-find approach - weighted quick-union
  82. Graphql N+1 problem
  83. 6 levels of vehicle autonomy
  84. approach to autonomous driving
  85. CSS units - ch
  86. First principles thinking
  87. Graphql resolvers
  88. Graphql
  89. Service workers
  90. Branchless programming
  91. Decentralized web
  92. Clean code - naming
  93. Collatz conjecture
  94. My knowledge management system
  95. What is clean code
  96. Ergonomic emacs
  97. Lisp basics
  98. Rust ownership
  99. Reasons I don't use emacs
  100. Basics of HTML
  101. CSS selectors
  102. HTML elements and structure
  103. HTML tables
  104. The web