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Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm is a pathfinding algorithm that lets us find the “ideal” path in a Weighted graph, taking the weights of the vertices into consideration.

A good analogy for understanding Dijkstra’s algorithm is finding the fastest path between node A and node B, as opposed to simply finding the shortest path (fewest connections) between node A and node B.[1] Imagine that each edge between node A and node B has a speed limit. If this is the case, then the shortest path may not be the fastest. The speed limits are weights which Dijkstra’s algorithm can take into consideration when finding the ideal path between nodes A and B. The “speed limit” concept in this example is often referred to as “cost” in the context of pathfinding algorithms.


  1. Find the “cheapest” node.
  2. Check whether there’s a “cheaper” path to the neighbors of this node. If so, update their costs.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for every node in the graph.
  4. Calculate the final “cheapest” path.

In practice

In practice, this looks like creating an “adjacency list” where we keep track of each node and update its cost as we execute the algorithm. An adjacency list is just a list containing the queued nodes in the graph (see Breadth-first search) along with their costs. Until the cost of a given node is known, it is considered to be infinite. We also keep track of each node’s parent in the list.

Consider a weighted graph:

graph = {}
graph["chicago"] = [
  ("detroit", 1),
  ("st. louis", 4),
  ("minneapolis", 2)
graph["detroit"] = [
  ("chicago", 2),
  ("toronto", 1)
graph["minneapolis"] = [
  ("st. louis", 3),
  ("seattle", 6),
  ("boise", 5)
graph["st. louis"] = [
  ("chicago, 4),
  ("nashville", 4),
  ("tulsa", 2)
graph["nashville"] = [
  ("st. louis", 4),
  ("tulsa", 6),
  ("charlotte", 2)

An adjacency list for this graph might look like this:

Parent Node Cost
Chicago Detroit 1
Chicago St. Louis 4
Chicago Minneapolis 2
- Toronto
- Seattle
- Boise
- Nashville
- Tulsa
- Charlotte

In this list, Detroit, St. Louis, and Minneapolis are immediate neighbors of Chicago, so their costs are “known”. Once we reach the next queued nodes, we update their costs and parents in the table.

So, let’s follow the steps.

1. Find the “cheapest” node.

In this case, Detroit is the cheapest connection to Chicago. Is there a cheaper way to get to Detroit? No, since we’re only dealing with one degree of separation and Detroit is the cheapest node in our system so far.

2. Figure out how cheap the first node’s neighbors are (the cost)

The only neighbor of Detroit we haven’t yet visited is Toronto, which has a cost of 1 from Detroit. So, we update our adjacency list accordingly:

Parent Node Cost
Chicago Detroit 1
Chicago St. Louis 4
Chicago Minneapolis 2
Detroit Toronto 1
- Seattle
- Boise
- Nashville
- Tulsa
- Charlotte

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2

Minneapolis is the next cheapest node from Chicago, so we update the adjacency list with neighbors of Minneapolis:

Parent Node Cost
Chicago Detroit 1
Minneapolis St. Louis 3
Chicago Minneapolis 2
Detroit Toronto 1
Minneapolis Seattle 6
Minneapolis Boise 5
- Nashville
- Tulsa
- Charlotte

Note that St. Louis is accessible from Minneapolis more cheaply from Minneapolis than from Chicago (for our purposes at least), so we’ve updated the parent and cost of St. Louis accordingly.

After repeating steps 1 and 2 for each node, we get an adjacency list that looks like this:

Parent Node Cost
Chicago Detroit 1
Minneapolis St. Louis 3
Chicago Minneapolis 2
Detroit Toronto 1
Minneapolis Seattle 6
Minneapolis Boise 5
St. Louis Nashville 4
St. Louis Tulsa 2
Nashville Charlotte 2

Note that each node in the list now corresponds to its “cheapest” parent.

4. Calculate the final “cheapest” path

Now, we can “work backwards” through the adjacency list to find our final path.

Consider a path between Chicago and Tulsa. Tulsa’s cheapest parent is St. Louis, whose cheapest parent is Minneapolis, whose cheapest parent is Chicago. Therefore, the cheapest path from Chicago to Tulsa is:

Chicago -> Minneapolis -> St. Louis -> Tulsa


Dijkstra’s algorithm can be implemented using three Hash tables: graph, costs, and parents.

The graph table is our weighted graph:

graph = {}
graph["chicago"] = [
  ("detroit", 1),
  ("st. louis", 4),
  ("minneapolis", 2)
graph["detroit"] = [
  ("chicago", 2),
  ("toronto", 1)


The costs table contains our costs for each node:

costs = {}
costs["detroit"] = 1
costs["st. louis"] = 4
costs["minneapolis"] = 2
costs["toronto"] = float("inf")  # infinity in Python


The parents table contains our lowest-cost parent for each node:

parents = {}
parents["detroit"] = "chicago"
parents["st. louis"] = "chicago"
parents["minneapolis"] = "chicago"
parents["toronto"] = None


We also need a list to keep track of the nodes we’ve already visited:

visited = []

Here are the steps our code must execute:

while we have nodes to process...
grab the node closest to the start
update costs for its neighbors
if any of the neighbors' costs were updated, update parents
mark this node as visited

The Python code looks like this:

node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)

while node is not None:
  cost = costs[node]
  neighbors = graph[node]
  for n in neighbors:
    new_cost = cost + neighbors[n]
    if costs[n] > new_cost:
      costs[n] = new_cost
      parents[n] = node
  node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)

Breaking cases